Addiction to mobile phones

over 90% of the adult in America on phone and average smartphone use in USA check their phones about hundred and ten times a day many become addicted to phone use it is on true on true research that the addition to phone use is similar to gambling addiction DSM 5. children in USA allowed to use mobile phones at home when they are about 7 years old most kids will on their own mobile phones when they enter the middle school at the age of 11 class year it is common sense to see kids in the High School over oh over 40 + 14 + years old become addicted to using mobile phones if you see a group of high school students waiting in Queen to get into a bar bar it is common to see more most students glued to their mobile phones when did come home ththey come home they again glued to i**** many times I wondered as to what they are doing with iPhones

in many instances they are sending messages to their friends this these messages is my messages maybe regarding studies show jokes some students get so much addicted that the to do homework even then it becomes a big problem for the parents to get the attention of the students to focus on studies and not on messenger when the addiction goes beyond the limits some parents either get their kids to hand over the Hai phones as soon as they come home or even countries Cape they are used for periods of time however there are some advantages in using iPhone due to sending messages it will in all this time the user will be saving time because if the cold their heads will take a long time Din than sending messdidn’t than sending messages that they can focus more time for studying students also use the iPhone to enter the internet and research for new information required to study , personal use or to improve knowledge kids kids also used iPhones to play games listen to music or enter the Facebook when asked as as as wh as as as what my granddaughter is doing with the phone he tells me that after doing study she need a break and that is why she is playing games or listening music how that this is true sometimes the parents advice that children not to get addicted to iPhones button really some parents to actually attitude using iPhones

now there are some out of the out of the box ways to avoid getting addiction one way is not to check for emails everyday early morning having a have a specific time everyday to check for emails only 30 also good to make all emails extremely show like message some countries have made of our work emails to be criminal offence removing appropriate steps to stop having 24 24-hour acc hour access to Facebook is an excellent position don’t allow phones to be bored Tu Hi bedroom otherwise instead of keeping the user will be glued to the phones many phone users format the phones to hear big Bass vibration winner messages received such must be delete disabled maybe if you need messages from an important person like the wife husband parent you can input a bus when having made of in toilets leaving the phone in handbags handbags for Browser for cut so that it is harder to access using a phones in the toilet is not hardly because there is taken matters in the toilet there you can also Limitlimit a small phone use by using app apps like moment run in the war on the ground not track your usage time if you observe that you are using too much time on one time type of thing that you can limit the use age by using the app so that the phone user will be allowed only limited time Dam moment app by keeping the phone and tell you charge will lover lover the time you have to use for using it

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